Market Entry Intelligence Reports

The preparation of Market Entry Intelligence Reports on 12 countries in sub-Saharan Africa for the senior management of a US Hedge Fund. The objective was to provide an authoritative and current overview of the political, regulatory, commercial and social landscape in...

Infrastructure Sector Assessments

An assessment of the Brazilian infrastructure sector, and three of its largest groups, for a UK-listed client. The brief was to map the wider commercial and political environment and then focus on the operating history and reputation of each group and its senior...

Entity Profiling

The profiling of local representatives/agents used in a large number of different jurisdictions around the world by a leading defence contractor. The brief was to check for indications of illegal conduct, criminal association, corrupt practice, inappropriate political...

Asset Search and Seizure

Searching for and seizing assets derived from the proceeds of crimes perpetrated by criminal and/or paramilitary individuals/structures, on behalf of, and in conjunction with, a UK government agency, international accountancy and law firms and insolvency...

Risk and Security Review

A comprehensive risk and security review for one of Switzerland’s wealthiest families, its holding structures, investment vehicles, offices and key personnel. The review covered both physical and technical security and the use of intelligence gathering and risk...

Security, Political and Reputational Risk

The investigation, for a leading investment bank, of a large number of individuals, entities and transactions around the world to assess the level of security, political and reputational risk that would be involved in engaging/acquiring/adopting/establishing...